Babies: 0-1 Year Old

 At this age, you do not need to be talking to a newborn about sex. We recommend talking to babies early and often. This consistent communication builds trust and expectation. 

Research demonstrates that talking to babies boosts their brain power. Babies as young as six months old begin to understand words. So, we recommend you start talking right away.

Talk to them while you change their diaper. When changing a baby’s diaper, talk them through what you are doing. For example, “I am unbuttoning your onesie. I am taking off your diaper. I am cleaning your private parts with a wipe. I am applying powder to your private parts.” This communication helps them understand the process that is taking place and helps them feel safe. 

Bath time is another great opportunity to help babies begin to understand their bodies and boundaries. As you give them a bath, verbalize each body part and explain what you are doing. 

Remember, use a washcloth or glove when touching the baby's private parts. By using a barrier, you are respecting the baby’s body and exemplifying boundaries. Ask anyone who is caring for your baby to use a barrier when touching their private parts. 

Teach a baby the concept of trust and safety by holding, comforting, and cuddling them. Comforting a baby helps them develop a sense of trust and recognize you as a safe person in their lives. 

Although this might seem odd, ask babies about giving them hugs and kisses. They may not be old enough to respond with words, but they will begin to recognize the pattern of asking for permission.